giovedì 8 marzo 2007

La strada che ci sta davanti

Peter Pesti ha da poco pubblicato «Detailed Roadmap of the 21st Century», una raccolta degli sviluppi e degli avvenimenti previsti da varie fonti per il XXI secolo. Con il passare degli anni le predizioni che si riveleranno corrette saranno segnate in verde, e quelle fallite in rosso (si parte subito male, con lo HAL 9000 di 2001: Odissea nello spazio).
Le previsioni sono di varia natura; per esempio, le due registrate per il 2041 sono:

  • Britney Spears compie 60 anni.
  • Il Prodotto Interno Lordo della Cina supera quello degli Usa.
L’elenco si chiude con il 2099:
  • There is a strong trend toward a merger of human thinking with the world of machine intelligence that the human species initially created.
  • There is no longer any clear distinction between humans and computers.
  • Most conscious entities do not have a permanent physical presence.
  • Machine-based intelligences derived from extended models of human intelligence claim to be human, although their brains are not based on carbon-based cellular processes, but rather electronic and photonic equivalents. Most of these intelligences are not tied to a specific computational processing unit. The number of software-based humans vastly exceeds those still using native neuron-cell-based computation.
  • Even among those human intelligences still using carbon-based neurons, there is ubiquitous use of neural-implant technology, which provides enormous augmentation of human perceptual and cognitive abilities. Humans who do not utilize such implants are unable to meaningfully participate in dialogues with those who do.
  • Because most information is published using standard assimilated knowledge protocols, information can be instantly understood. The goal of education, and of intelligent beings, is discovering new knowledge to learn.
  • Femtoengineering (engineering at the scale of femtometers or one thousandth of a trillionth of a meter) proposals are controversial.
  • Life expectancy is no longer a viable term in relation to intelligent beings.
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